My blog history, The first few paragraphs became my “About” page, but after that, each time I wrote, I dated the posts. It begins with my Father’s death in 03. Welcome to me, welcome to my recent history.
Neubee continued …Back injections..I want those….
Hip-wrap NO-Bounce phone belt! Made in USA!

NO Bouncing Phone
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Total Hands-free Riding Using Bluetooth!
Bday, butterflies, bling, birds and Blaaaaaag
3rd time ain’t no charm mister!
Neubeequus has tried to kill me twice now. Once at Connie Arthur’s Lone Tree Farm (Connie is my idol/mentor by the way) and last tuesday, sort of, at home. I have done what I have always told my clients over the years not to do, lead ’em and feed ’em. I’ve given him a too energy dense food (wrong kind of roughage) and not enough exercise to work it off. Hay is a difficult commodity; Neubee’s feed has had too much alfalfa and maybe too much molasses. So, I am eliminating most of his alfalfa and cutting his “complete feed” in half. I’ll try to free feed him some low energy forage and see what happens. I like to feed them like nature; in nature he would be picking especially in winter. Time will tell, but when he is upset about the herd; he has become much more than I bargained for. So, that means even a real bargain can have a lot of hidden costs.
This is Neubee a year ago. You could see his ribs, he didn’t have any muscle. His feet were terrible, his coat was dull. Now he is fat and fit. Am I, at my age up to the task of continuing his training? Not at his current energy level; let’s see if changing his feed helps. Either way, 3rd time ain’t no charm, mister!
Derby is released into pasture
