Neubee's x-rays were inconclusive or "non remarkable". My vet, Dr. Toews, sent them for second opinion to Dr. Durham, DVM, Phd in equine sports medicine. His opinion was...
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I hate my Neubee horse this morning
When people see me during the day, it isn't obvious at all that I am hurting. It is my soft tissue, muscles, tendons ligaments, but now Dr.s say...
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I’m back into my water therapy
I have had chronic pain in my soft tissue since 1989. Sharp stabbing pains are in the 10 category that take your breath away. Those don't happen too...
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Wow, Posting from here works and with time I’ll learn more tricks!

I ain't no old dog mister! My injection went well. I am back on normal NSAIDs and back to "my normal" except for the flare up in my...
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