Hi, I am Christine Amber, EquestrianTraining.com’s owner
Education / Affiliations

Weena, the mare I gave away
I have over 30 years of horse experience, from training and showing horses to imprinting and raising foals. I am a horse owner and I have worked in large commercial ranch settings and with many individual private owners, as well. I have handled hundreds of horses, giving me a good eye and quick reference for a horse’s temperament and potential.
I have been certified by the American Riding Instructors Certification Program, Certified Horsemanship Association, and American Association for Horsemanship Safety. I have taken the clinics for the United States Eventing Association Instructors Certification Program. I continue to further my equestrian education by attending clinics of well known national and international trainers and riders. A have a large library of books, videos and magazines. I also hold a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and was a member of the AASP, Association of Applied Sport Psychology.
I have had an online presence since before facebook, even before blogging, history2003beyond.
One of my efforts to improve safety for riders is selling the hit-air safety vest, Da Brim to protect faces from the sun and skin cancer, as well as a few other products. I teach Safety Clinics to people so they may have a chance to learn about these products hands-on.
Here I am with one man who has most influenced my horse-training life. I am in Tennessee seeing him after my second Clinton Anderson Clinic in 2002. I first cliniced with him in 1999. At the Road to the Horse he said to me, “It’s been a long road, mate.”
I have trained horses and people. I’ve started young horses, finished green horses and worked with horses having problem behaviors. I’ve taught people to ride securely at the level to which they aspire, and owners to work with and train their own horses when that is possible. In addition to my business, I have a home life. In 2001 I lost my mother and 2003 lost my aging father in who lived with us. It is a busy life, but a good life.
I bought my Pickle horse in 1993; here (8/20/13) he is 30. My husband’s horse died at the age of 29 in 2011. Bootz who was given to me in 03 died from a penicillin injection in 2013. I rescued Neubee in 2013 and we are still looking for a horse for Brian. Sometimes he rides Pickle but it limits some of what we should do, although I think Pickle would work or run till he dropped.
We have our wonderful dog, Wego, who I got from the San Martin Animal Shelter very shortly after loosing my broken Roopie dog. This brings me up-to-date, and you can always look at the blog.
Through studying Psychology, experimental and animal psychology as well as counseling, I teach and train honestly and humanely, always keeping your and your horse’s safety and the horse’s intended use as priorities. I am selling selected and tried items that help improve safety or the quality of an active equestrian lifestyle.
A famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow, theorized a Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Actualization, simply stated, one must first have their basic needs met – health, safety and security – before they are able to focus on Actualizing, or learning. So before beginning riding or training you or your horse must be healthy. For both horse and rider to feel safe and secure, horses must be trained to respectfully accept humans as their leaders and handlers, and humans must learn to be consistent, patient and concise so they may effectively handle horses.[spacer]