Incorrect Safety Information in US Eventing Mag, Nov/Dec 16

Incorrect Safety Information in US Eventing Mag, Nov/Dec 16

Incorrect & misleading airvest info in US Evening #useventing, Safety Equipment Article, nov/dec 2016 – specificially Ayrvest and testing. I research these things because I know the game. Brands pay to play is costs the brand about $7,000.00 donation to “sponsor” US Eventing. There is NO SPECIFIC STANDARD for testing air vests. I just received an email from SATRA:
M38 testing
Paul Thorpe
9:05 AM (2 hours ago)
to me, Simon
Dear Amber,
As there is currently no standard for inflatable horse jackets these would need to be certified in accordance with the directive. M38 is an internal SATRA document that could be used to help certify these products to the directive. It uses the EN13158:2009 flat bar impact and takes into account other factors such as sizing, ergonomics, a minimum and maximum release strength of the trigger system, maximum sound rating and inflation measurement in which the vest has to inflate and deflate in a set time period.
M38 is not connected to the prEN1621-4 standard and it is unlikely that a vest could pass both without adaptation due to the different inflation requirements.
If you wish certify an equestrian vest with us please contact Peter Doughty for more information.
Best regards
Paul Thorpe.
I will see what this testing costs, BUT the hit-air is tested by Japanese Automobile Research Institute, JARI. you can see this testing on my website:…/Evaluation_Test2011.pdf

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