I am so happy with my new pony/horse project. Neubeecuss equss aka osirus lunus was a successful racehorse who won about 150K dollars. So the story goes, he was “rescued” by TB friends and his previous owner bought him from them. He mostly sat around the past three or four years. He came with a bunch of hear say warnings, needing ground manners, etc. He is enjoyable. I really like him. He is sound, even with icky thrush in two feet, and fisticulitis. All the little physical issues are getting better with care. I’m trying to ride him 5 or more days a week and doing a fair job at that goal.
I’m treating him like a baby or any horse I don’t know. I have my list of 1, 2, 3. #1 is go, forward, away from me, around me, beneath me, GO move your feet when i ask. period. #2 is yield or give; when i pull, when i push, when i stop walking, when i poke;if i fall at your feet, yield or give way to me oh fragile human that i am….. And now, my husband wants me to eat food, so i can’t remember #3…